A woman is the creator of this beautiful world and we make sure that she gets a respectful life. Our organisation is dedicated to working for the overall improvement of girls including education, sanitation, health, income generation, AIDS awareness and other major issues. We make the underprivileged girl children capable so that they can compete and come at-par with this fast growing community. Girl gives a shape to this civilisation; hence, our NGO works hard to provide better health, education and shelter to them. We have a team of teachers, medical practitioners and other volunteers, who wholeheartedly work for the betterment of deprived girls. We also focus on providing proper medical facilities to the children. With the assistance of the volunteers, we have been able to arrange the basic necessities for the girls. Our team members work to stop exploitation against girl child and children in general. We work as a team for the betterment of impoverished children.
Women face a lot of issues every day. Some of the glaring ones are –
- Disparity in Education
- Dowry & Bride Burning
- Inadequate Nutrition
- Child Marriages
- Sexual Harassment.
- Domestic violence
- Widow’s Status
- Selective abortion and female infanticide
According to national statistics
- 360,000 Women die during pregnancy and childbirth;
- 14 million adolescent girls become mothers every year.
- 31 million girls are still out of school around the world, even though they represent nearly two-thirds of the world’s illiterate.
- The completion rates and learning levels of girls are lower than those of boys, Participation of girls in school decreases as they progress through the education system.
- Too many girls are still shut out of school, denying them their fundamental right to education.
SIOL is working for improving the lives of women and girls and securing their human rights for a better world free of discrimination and towards the end to poverty and hunger.
Program Areas
- Better lives for refugee children and families
- Fighting the root causes of child labour and promoting children’s rights.
- Creating Higher Household Incomes
- Changing Attitudes
- Improving access to Higher Education
- Developing Literacy Skills
- Improving Healthcare
SIOL steers children towards a better life with better awareness, better life skills, and better opportunities, in the journey from childhood to livelihood. We also understand the need for reaching out to adult survivors of child sexual abuse (CSA) in order to support them in an adequate manner and prevent any further re-victimization as well as enable them to heal from the impact of child sexual abuse.
SIOL working on the issue of Complete Child Care with a team of dedicated and skilled professionals since the year 1999.engaged in providing a better future to the underprivileged girls. We make efforts to reduce the miseries faced by the children in the capital. Education is the basis of development; thus, we provide education to the girls in order to enhance their as well as the future of the country.